"Make known to me your ways, LORD;
teach me your paths."
Psalm 25:4
Young Adult Life
Never before have we experienced a Lent or Holy Week like this. We may be separated as a community but spiritually we can be very powerfully connected through prayer and observance of Holy Week in our homes. The Lord knows our sacrifices, our sorrows and our fears. He knows our hopes and our joys. Let us gather as a community and offer our prayers and sacrifices from wherever we are at. We are united in the Lord.
As a Church family, we’re witnesses to the beauty of life, even in the midst of life’s messiness: caring for sick family members, puzzling over our family budget, rushing to get to hockey practice, shushing our toddlers at Mass. (Go on, admit it - I’ve done my share of shushing.) God calls us to affirm life’s goodness in the midst of a skeptical culture. That sounds tough to do, when the skepticism takes the form of seeing abortion as a “right.”
We can do it.
First, let’s take a look at the definition for the word Dignity.
1 the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect
origin Middle English: from Old French dignete, from Latin dignitas, from dignus 'worthy'.
And now, let’s look at the meaning of the word Manners.
Exemplary Mother of the Great Augustine,
you perseveringly pursued your wayward son,
not with wild threats but with prayerful cries to heaven.
Intercede for all mothers in our day
so that they may learn to draw their children to God.
One of the most pernicious lies of the modern world is that life is supposed to be easy and comfortable. There is even a sense in which moderns believe they are entitled to this comfort and ease—that it is some sort of fundamental human right.
One year, Hal Urban put up a sign in his high school classroom: "No one ever went wrong by being polite." He had always enjoyed a good rapport with his students, who were college-bound and typically from affluent families. But he was troubled by what he saw as a decline of basic courtesy.
Prayer changes us and changes circumstances. Just read about the miraculous Battle of Lepanto when the war against the Moslems was won against all odds with the recitation of the Rosary. We too, can change our country and our world by praying the Rosary. As Saint Padre Pio said, “The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.”
There are no easy answers to the choices we face in this upcoming election which will affect our nation for a long time to come. We offer resources and wisdom from some of our shepherds of the Church. And above all, we invite you to pray, be informed and share these resources with family and friends.
Philadelphia, Pa., Aug 15, 2016 CNA.- In his latest column for the Philly Catholic Archdiocesan paper, Archbishop Chaput shared some of his personal thoughts on the upcoming presidential election, and implored Catholics to take the time to pray and form their consciences before voting.
These are the words that echo through my mind as I reflect upon my week with the Missionaries of Charity. At the beginning of July, I travelled with twelve of my students to spend a week helping the sisters put on a day camp for neighborhood kids. The camp was an afternoon event every weekday, consisting of food, catechesis, play time and more food.
1. There Is Only "One Thing Necessary." The first happened when I was about six or seven, I think. It was the first important conscious discovery I ever made, and I don't think I have ever had a more mature or wiser thought than that one. I remember to this day exactly where I was when it hit me: riding north on Haledon Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets in Paterson, New Jersey after Sunday morning church with my parents.
I’ve often reflected on why the Lord Jesus, when He ascended to the Father, left behind His holy Mother at the start of the Church? Her presence, prayer, encouragement, wisdom, and exhortation; her feminine love must have strengthened the Apostles. Her maternal holiness and prayer helped to form the first clerg
Pornography isn’t “someone else’s problem;” it’s our problem. It’s my problem and your problem and the guy across the street’s problem. It’s your barista’s problem and the 2nd grade teacher’s problem, and it might just be your spouse’s problem, too.
Pornography is now more popular than baseball. In fact, it has become America’s pastime, and we are awash in it. Porn is on our computers, our smartphones, and our cable or satellite TV. It’s common in our hotels and even in many retail stores and gas stations. For many men — and, increasingly, women — it is part of their daily lives.
Let’s talk about porn. I know it it’s an uncomfortable subject, but ignoring it will do no good. The fact is, pornography addiction is a massive and growing problem—especially for men. If you don’t believe me, here are some shocking statistics:
- 12% of websites online are pornographic
- Every second, over 28,000 people are looking at porn
- 40 million Americans are regular porn viewers
- 70% of men aged 18-24 regularly look at porn
God made men. Men are good. Men are very good.
Men, it’s good that you want to lead and protect. It’s good that you have a streak of assertiveness that some would label aggression. It’s good that you are bold and daring. It’s good that you want adventure and take risks, and that you’re even sometimes a bit reckless. And that boisterous energy and stubbornness that got you into trouble as a kid? It’s a good thing that can be harnessed for greatness.
Harbor of Hope is a spiritual support group for family and friends that have a loved one who is experiencing same sex attraction. As family and friends, we meet with charity and compassion to seek understanding and support. We follow the teachings of the Church and choose to love and share the Truth with compassion as Jesus taught.
I now believe there were many reasons I have struggled with this confusion. I was hurt by a girlfriend early in high school. This betrayal led to me not having trust in girls and turning towards guys for affirmation and intimacy. I was subjected to gay porn at the age of 8 years old and I believe this really messed with my brain and formed attachments. I often “feel” like I’m gay but “believe” I am straight.
My relationship with Christ helped create my “mother heart.” And Jesus did just that. He prepared my heart for something I never thought that I would have to face as a mother. Several years ago, my son shared with my husband and I that he has same-sex attraction, or as our world terms it, homosexual. At first, I thought it was all about me. I cried and thought to myself, “what did I do wrong” ... “What will out family and friends think?” But, it did not take me long to figure out that it definitely WAS NOT about me. My son has the biggest cross to carry.
“Know that the Lord is God! It is He that made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture” (Ps 100:3). In many ways, this short verse sums up my – and every – vocation story. Whenever I consider how it is that I wound up entering the Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R. of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother, the answer is always the same: God made me for Himself, and has spent my whole life drawing me back to Him.
O Holy One O Perfect Source and Cause of all life Open me to your will. You are great, and highly to be praised O Most High LORD, Father of all that is. You created my mouth to praise You, my heart to love You, my soul to sing in Your love. Do not look upon my many sins and faults, O LORD, but only see what good I bring today. The Yes and No of my first parents brings me here: Their Yes brought me to existence. Their No brought me to that inherited sinfulness, that also brings me here in supplication and repentance.
My vocation story is a story of my walk with the Lord. I grew up in a Catholic family, but it wasn’t until high school that I started really taking my faith seriously. In high school, I began to make prayer a regular part of my day, and my relationship with the Lord began to deepen. Prayer is nothing but communication with the Lord. The more I kept in touch with God throughout the day, the better I came to know Him. I also came to know myself more – who I am in God’s eyes.
The gift of presence is not easy to come by, you cannot pay for it, and few people have it naturally. When I say the gift of presence I do not mean personality - many people are 'personalities', rather, the 'gift of presence' is that amazing ability some people have, and foster, to really be present to another. We all know someone I hope who is really aware of others, who listens to others when they talk and remembers what they say, who looks others in the eye, who encourages with words and in their gestures, who wishes the best for them.
"It is so important for us to remember our elders – they are the ones who brought us into this world and nurtured us for so many years. They are our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. They are our teachers, our farmers, our servicemen, and beloved religious. They taught us right from wrong, led us in the right direction when we were lost, they picked us up when we were down. They fed us, clothed us, put a roof over our heads, and kept us in good company when we needed it.
“Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your request known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard you hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7.
This Scripture passage became my life source. Plagued by anxiety, worry, or doubt I recited this passage and remembered to pray—lifting my burdens up, I was assured I would be filled with peace transcending human comprehension.
When I look at myself, I want to be able to say that I am as great a man as my dad is, and to one day myself be as good a father as he has been to me. I hope to one day be the man he wants me to be, and raised me to be, since I know that he has only ever wanted the best for me, and that eventually I can return to him all the love and generosity that he has shown to me.
Two of my other brothers have learning disabilities, too. But these challenges have not caused my mother to lose hope or stop living her life; they have developed her into the loving, caring, patient, and selfless person that she is. Her trust in God is her greatest virtue and something that helped me develop my relationship with God.
After graduating from college in 2010, I still didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with my life. All I knew was that God put this strong desire in my heart to help people and I began searching for job and volunteer opportunities to do this. After lots of prayer and trusting in God, I decided to volunteer in Ireland.
A true story told from the perspective of a birth Mother and adoptive Mother in the State of NH with appreciation from their daughter.
From the Birth Mom Putting my baby up for adoption was the most difficult decision of my life. I was young and irresponsible. I deeply regretted getting pregnant. Deep down I knew how important it was for a child to have good parents and a good upbringing. I knew I was not that person and my baby deserved better.
When the time came to give birth, I regret deeply that I chose to not see or hold my baby.
Resources for Young Adults
- Catholics Come Home
- Good Confession
- Mass Times
- Fr. Jacque Philippe, A Guide for the Spiritual Life
- Catholic Culture
- EWTN Prayer Resources
- Domestic Church
- Fr. Jacque Philippe, A Guide for the Spiritual Life
- Liturgy of the Hours
- The Word Among Us – Catholic Devotional magazine based on the Daily Mass Readings
- The Magnificat – Daily Prayers of the Church
- St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
- The Great Adventure Bible Study Series for all ages
- Mark Hart (the Bible Geek) Teens
- Family Rosary
- The Rosary Workout, A unique program combining Rosary prayer with aerobic exercise
- Knights of Columbus Guide to Praying the Rosary
- The Catholic Gentleman. Be a man. Be a saint.
- The Catholic Table
- Blessed is She
- Movie Reviews
- Covenant Eyes - Internet Accountability and Filtering Software
Usccb - United States Catholic Conference of Bishops
- One More Soul
- Fertility Care Centers of America
- Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction
- Courage - Same sex attraction
- Integrity Restored - Helping Catholic Men Break Free from Pornography Addiction
- Informed
- Matt Fradd
- Porn No More
- The Kings Men
- NAMI -National Alliance on Mental Illness
- NAMI FaithNet- A faith-based track
- Catholic Therapist
- IPS Center for Psychological Services - Rsource links
- National Catholic Bioethics Center
- These Beautiful Bones: An Everyday Theology of the Body - Emily Stimpson
- Men, Women and the Mystery of Love: Practical Insights from John Paul II's Love and Responsibility- Edward Sri
- The Temperament God Gave You - Art Bennett, Laraine Bennett
- The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman
- My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir - Colleen Carroll Campbell
- Be A Man!: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be - Fr. Larry Richards
- Sexual Common Sense – 12 Talk Series - Janet Smith
- Contraception: Why Not – 3rd Edition – Cracking the Contraceptive Myths - Janet Smith
- Real Love, 2nd Edition, Answers to Your Questions on Dating, Marriage and the Real Meaning of SexMary Beth Bonacci
- The Pornography Epidemic, A Catholic Approach - Peter Kleponis, Ph.D
- The Porn Myth - Matt Fradd -Scientific evidence from a non religious perspective for the damaging affects of porn
- Delivered - True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned from Porn to Purity - Matt Fradd
- The Virtue Driven Life - Fr. Benedict Groeschel
- Learning the Virtues - Fr. Romano Guardini
- Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue - By Tim Gray and Curtis Martin
- Awakening Your Soul to Presence of God - Fr. Kilian J. Healy
- Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers – US Catholic Conference of Bishops
- Little Oratory, A Beginners Guide to Praying in the Home - Clayton and Lawler
- 7 Secrets of the Eucharist - Vinny Flynn
- 7 Secrets of Confession - Vinny Flynn
- Time for God – Jacques Philip
- Practicing the Presence of God – Brother Lawrence
- The Examen Prayer – Timothy Gallagher, OMV
- A Father Who Keeps His Promises – Hahn
- Praying Scripture for a Change, An introduction to Lectio Divina - Dr. Tim Gray
- Meditations Before Mass - Fr. Romano Guardini
- The Word Among Us – Catholic Devotional magazine based on the Daily Mass Readings
- The Magnificat – Daily Prayers of the Church
- The Great Adventure Bible Study Series for all ages
- St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
- Mark Hart (the Bible Geek) Teens
- Time Management for Catholics – Dave Durand
- Seven Steps to becoming Financially Free – Phil Lenahan
- Financial Peace Revisited – Dave Ramsey (Please note that Dave speaks from a Christian perspective. He has several publications on money that are very good. )
Death and Grieving
- Grief: the journey takes time (an article)
- A Grief Unveiled: One Father's Journey Through the Loss of a Child - Gregory Floyd
- A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
- Arise from the Darkness - Fr. Benedict Groeschel
- Arise from the Darkness - Fr. Benedict Groeschel
- Catholic Guide to Depression - Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
Video Library for Young adults

Protecting Families and Teens from the Culture of Porn with Dr. Peter Kleponis. hosted by St. Joseph Catholic Family Center

Young couples talk about their reasons for getting married in the Catholic Church.

This video is intended to give a brief glimpse behind the truth about NFP as seen through the eyes of real couples actually practicing and teaching its beautiful gift to marriages.
If we strive to set one standard, old fashioned as it may sound, “The Golden Rule” will build a culture of respect within our family. Treat others as you want to be treated in speech, in action and in attitude. Often we model this outside the home, but the ones we love and live with deserve our respect as well. From young children to teens to parents, we can all practice this.