June - 2012
Family Name: Larochelle
Parents: Fr. Moe
Children: Parishioners of Ste. Marie Parish in Manchester, NH
Our questions for Fr. Moe:
Tell us a little about yourselves - a paragraph or two . . . Where do you live? What parish do you attend?
As a priest, I have taken the vow of celibacy which means I am asked not to have any attaching relationships with persons or things. A priest becomes a father to the parish he is serving. I am currently pastor of Ste. Marie Parish in Manchester, NH. I was ordained 25 years ago and have served in several parishes.
What is your favorite family activity?
My favorite family activity as a child was mealtime at my grandparent’s house where I got to see my cousins and enjoy my grandmother’s “real mashed potatoes”! Today my favorite family activity with my parish is in the celebration of the Mass where we enjoy the meal “par excellence” in sharing Jesus’ most holy Body and Blood.
What is a favorite family tradition?
My favorite family tradition as a child was centered in the family gatherings around holidays and special events. Today, I still love the big celebrations with our parish family in the Christmas and Easter seasons.
How does your family pray together?
In my childhood, my family always prayed both before and after meals with our weekend centered on the Mass. Today, I pray the Liturgy of the Hours with my Brother Priests with our parish family prayer centered on the celebration of the Mass.
What does your family find most challenging to living as a Catholic family in our society?
Today, my parish family, is being challenged by the credence being placed on the whim of secular culture rather than in the stability of faith and morals handed on by Christ and His Church.
Thank you Fr. Moe! Check back next month to see another family featured on our Family Spotlight.